Vanspec has been a wonderful program for our daughter, Mary. She has been involved since she began Grade 1 in 1995. Sister Beth Ann welcomed us so warmly and I never minded all those years of driving over to Vancouver to the Vanspec Centre to take Mary for her lesson.
Along with Mary came high school girls from St. Thomas Aquinas High School who either taught or assisted teachers at the Vanspec Centre. My van was always full. I would spend the hour in the chapel and have my quiet time to pray and then drive everyone home. Later on Sr. Beth Ann managed to get our teenage son, Patrick, to come along as a counsellor to camp, which he did for 4 summers.
There were so many fundraisers during those years to raise money for the program and camp including the dinner/dances, car washes, craft fairs, raffle ticket sales etc. The highlight was the 7 course Italian meal which was part of the dinner dance held in November. That’s where we raised most of the funds for the following summer’s camp. So many of our close friends came out and supported the event which has left many happy memories for all of us. Of course, there were so many Christmas parties and nativity pageants also performed in our Our Lady of Sorrows gym.
Vanspec has played a huge part in Mary’s life and our family life over the years and I will always be grateful that Mary made her First Holy Communion and Confirmation with the help of the dedicated, volunteer teachers.
The sisters of St. Mary of Providence will be so missed!